Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Post #2: TIL, Professionalism
Grace Spinks
            Today I learned about this site helps you to brainstorm ideas in a easy to see format. This site was really easy to use and displayed all of the ideas well. As a medical professional I would use this to help me focus on the main idea or to help get down my thoughts to put into a paper. A medical professional could use this to decide the course of treatment for a patient or display all of their symptoms in an orderly fashion which could help to speed up the process and the medical field is all about efficiency.
            Today I learned about embedding documents, pictures, or videos into my blog or site. This is very helpful to have everything right there displayed so that someone doesn’t have to go searching for it when they need to see my documents or pictures. Embedding is super easy once you know all the steps and it can be uses for a lot of different things like YouTube videos or graphs. As a medical professional this would help to organize meetings or send out information quickly to other staff.
            Today I learned about technical shortcuts specifically Ctrl1, Ctrl2, and Ctrl+F which is single space, double space, and find. These little tricks make using the computer a lot easier and make editing super-fast. The double and single space make it easier to format your paper without having to go searching for the button you have to click. The Ctrl+F makes it easy to find a word in any piece of research which makes it so you don’t have to read the whole paper just to find one sentence. Health care professionals are always super busy so having shortcuts to make typing and finding information is so important.

I believe honesty, cleanliness, and dependability are the most important part of Professionalism.

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